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Politico: Poland turns history into diplomatic weapon

In a campaign to give a better gloss to Poland’s history, President Andrzej Duda launched what he calls an “offensive,” and the first target is U.S.-Polish Holocaust historian Jan Gross.

fot. Michal Wozniak/East News Warszawa 03.10.2018 Spotkanie premierowe ksiazki – Bardzo dawno temu , mniej wiecej w zeszly piatek – autorstwa Aleksandry Pawlickiej o Janie Tomaszu Grossie n/z: Jan Tomasz Gross

Duda is mulling whether to strip Gross of one of Poland’s highest honors for suggesting  that during World War II Poles killed more Jews than they killed Germans. The assertion, which Gross backed up with numbers in an interview with POLITICO, strikes at the heart of Poland’s national narrative — that it is a nation uniquely harmed by history and for that reason should have a louder voice on the world stage.

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