Category: Uncategorized
BBC: The Villa fan living in Warsaw
An Aston Villa cousin’s wedding, in 2003: Harvey Nicks’ rooftop garden in Knightsbridge. Former Villa manager Ron Atkinson is guest […]
Konteksty: Which Blair Project?
Pamięć jako narzędzie legitymizacji politycznej: przykład „Nowej Partii Pracy “
Gazeta Wyborcza: Brytyjski dziennikarz po 28 latach nad Wisłą
Bycie Brytyjczykiem w Polsce jest teraz znacznie mniej cool niż 30 lat temu – mówi Jo Harper, który mieszka w […]
Polityka: Brytania się luzuje
Wielka Brytania wychodzi z długiego lockdownu jako pierwsza w Europie. A pokonanie covidu staje się na Wyspach pożywką dla nacjonalizmu. […]
PAP: A shore thing
Arriving at the beach under Poniatowski Bridge, in burning 35-degree heat, the sand is too hot to walk on barefoot. […]
Anadolu Agency: Anxious but not scared
Wagner mercenaries shifted to Belarus after late June mutiny in Russia are reportedly in areas just miles from the Polish […]
Deutsche Welle: Talking about Wagner soldiers on Belarusian border
Inside Europe asked about my visit to Terespol, on the Polish side of the Poland-Belarus border.
Poland Weekly: Recycled memories – communist-era chic makes a comeback
For several years, there has been a huge interest in objects and the culture of the PRL. “I like the […]
- – Polish documentary films a different way of looking
Documentary film. In Poland, as elsewhere of course, new technologies have changed the game. Everyone with a mobile phone is a potential […]
Politico: Poland turns history into diplomatic weapon
In a campaign to give a better gloss to Poland’s history, President Andrzej Duda launched what he calls an “offensive,” and […]