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Politico: Polish priest in hot water

Tadeusz Rydzyk, Poland’s most politically powerful priest, is using an injection of government funds to build a geothermal plant — prompting opposition politicians to cry foul.

Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has been skeptical of some types of renewable energy — especially onshore wind — since taking power in 2015. But those doubts don’t apply to a business project that Rydzyk — the head of an enormously influential right-wing media empire — has been promoting for years.

“The idea of employing geothermal energy sources was labelled delusional some 10-15 years ago, while in fact it turned out to be one of the boldest attempts at involving renewables in the local energy mix,” said Paweł Jabłoński, the deputy director of the government’s international projects department. “That is why it qualified to be subsidized not only by the Polish state but also by EU funds.”

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