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Anadolu Agency: TV report alleges John Paul II covered up sexual abuse in Catholic Church before papacy

A television report on Monday about St. John Paul II alleged that he actively covered up cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in his native Poland before becoming pope in 1978.

John Paul is a Polish icon who was pope during the last decade of the Cold War and is widely credited with boosting the success of the Polish anti-communist Solidarity movement in the 1980s.

“I hope that this report will end the discussion and the festival of blurring reality, pretending that John Paul II might not have known,” Marcin Gutowski, a TVN24 journalist and author of the report, told the channel.

The program will be broadcast this evening on the independent US-owned channel, which has been critical of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS), accusing the right-wing party of populism.

Dutch journalist Ekke Overbeek made similar accusations against the pontiff in his book, “Maxima Culpa,” which goes on sale in Poland this week.

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