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Anadolu Agency – ‘Sabotage cannot be ruled out’ over Nord Stream pipeline leaks: Finnish foreign minister

Pekka Haavisto says if leaks were deliberate, they are a reminder of ‘how careful we need to be and how vulnerable we are’

Pekka Haavisto, Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto signs the letter informing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) about Finland’s interest in engaging in accession talks in Helsinki, Finland, on May 17, 2022.


Sabotage “cannot be ruled out” as causing the recent Nord Stream gas leaks, the Finnish foreign minister said Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency.

“Sabotage cannot be ruled out, but this needs to be investigated as a criminal matter. The timing as Poland unveiled its Baltic Stream pipeline of the leaks is a reminder – if it was done on purpose – of how careful we need to be and how vulnerable we are,” said Pekka Haavisto.

He added: “I’ve been this morning in contacts with two ministerial colleagues, Jeppe Kofod, Danish foreign minister, and Ann Linde, the Swedish foreign minister, and I’ve got analysis from Sweden and from Denmark on this issue.

“Both of them are saying that the sabotage cannot be excluded from the reasons of these three holes or three damages to the pipelines. But this needs more investigation. And the investigation is ongoing. It’s a criminal investigation by Sweden and by Denmark and we are of course waiting for the results of this investigation and we are ready to support Sweden and Denmark in any possible ways on this investigation.”

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